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How to motivate Yourself

Noticing how things don't last forever and disappoint you because you were emotionally attached to it.  It had sentimental value. You  were happy when you possessed it and sad when its gone. It's better to just stay with the flow and live with no strings attached and move on quick as a flash unless it was a heartbreaking lesson so reflect on it and preach.

Don't sit back because of fear, u only evolve and rise when u face it with a positive attitude. change your surroundings. When u face your fears or the dangers of risks, u get to understand how small  and easy the situation was because u imagined all the worst case possible and left out the good outcomes.

You must have heard about the phrase fake it till u make it. when you are at the most insecure about your progressing skills, not confident to demonstrate it, You bring your own success toa hault. You cant change things  unless you have convinced yourself that you will have the part you have dreamed about your goal in your bucket list. Nowadays, imposter syndrome is on the rise among the generation and don't believe their own accomplishments and envy others. Start becoming what u want to be the in the future instead of sulking and progressing slowly in your tasks.

In the world where everybody's following trends on social media, copying each other lifestyles etc. You need to become something out of the ordinary. After having 100 rejections, your 101th try could lead to success. "Third try is a charm", right?  The more you give effort,  the closer you are to achieving your goals.
How to motivate Yourself


How to motivate Yourself
